My research is in the fields of development and international trade. I study policies intended to improve market efficiency, such as import tariff reductions, free trade agreements, and outsourcing. A special focus of my research is firms’ responses to these policies and their implications to competition, either in labor or product markets. I therefore often borrow methods and insights from the fields of labor, public, and industrial organization. My work is primarily on Latin America. Here is my CV.
Tax Administration versus Tax Rates: Evidence from Corporate Taxation in Indonesia, with M. Chatib Basri, Rema Hanna, and Benjamin Olken. Appendix. American Economic Review 2021, 111 (12): 3827-71. Summary video.
Working Papers
Trade, Labor Market Concentration, and Wages. Slides. Revise and Resubmit at American Economic Review.
The Reallocation Effects of Domestic Outsourcing, with Michael Wong.
Selected Research in Progress
Coordination Incentives of Tariff-Quota Agreements, with Jorge Florez-Acosta and Diego Jiménez-Hernández.
The Origins of Structural Transformation, with Julieta Caunedo and Kristina Manysheva.
Wage Transparency Within and Across Firms: Experimental Evidence from Brazil, with Ieda Matavelli and Bobak Pakzad-Hurson. Winner of pilot grant from J-PAL JOI Brasil.
Employment Valuation Surveys, with Ieda Matavelli [Data Collection Initiative]. Funded by the EGC Incubation Fund.
Other work
Charter Schools and Suspensions: Evidence from Massachusetts Chapter 222. Appendix.